Bharat bandh on September 7 to protest the spiraling prices. “The Bharat Bandh on September 7, is setting trends. But it is not clear that what is in this bandh. Bharat Bandh on Google Trends is not so clear that in this context, has asked Bharat Bandh. You will called against the incumbent government in protest against rising prices and the days becomes a set Bandh economy and public order is endangered. “success” of the strike of 12 hours Encouraged have at the beginning of this month, main trade union wing parties, including Congress, other Bharat bandh scheduled for September 7 to protest the spiraling prices. ”
Meanwhile, the government collected money for damages caused to public property during the bandh on July 5, 2010 was carried out has been done. Congress affiliated INTUC (Indian National Trade Union Congress) supports this seventh India Bandh September. Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU), All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) and Hind Mazdoor Sabha (HMS) are the other major unions support these Bandh. A mark of the SEP to emphasize the strike, said sources with theUniversity, one aspect of a Congress member would INTUC. INTUC arc was as good as a Congress MP Sanjeeva Reddy D convener available for a TU lawmakers spearheading a number of expenses.
This was bandh by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) held and then were able to participate in the league of the Communist Party of India, the CPI (Marxist) Revolutionary Socialist Party (RSP) and Forward Bloc. The AIADMK, Telegu Desam Party (TDP), Samajwadi Party, Biju Janata Dal (BJD), Janata Dal (Socialist) and the INLD have supported a strike.
There is a law in the Bandh, the harm to the public during the bandh propoety damages.Meanwhile will pay for, says the state government has begun to raise funds for the damage caused to public property during the bandh took place, took held on July 5 2010.On this day of 12 hours over 100 bandhMaharashtra State Road Transport buses Corporation, and 200 â € “odd Corporation buses were damaged in Mumbai and Pune and showrooms Some distributors.
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